Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hot From The Oven

You must be wondering why I put such a title to this blog..............The reason is:
This is my first blog. I am so happy to join the bloggers' community.
Today the 14th of March, 2009 my Surau Jemaah had arranged a Maulidur Rasul Ceramah by, Ustaz Datuk Dr. Harun Din Al-Hafeez. I was appointed an official photographer ( no lah, I actually I volunteered to do it....). I loved his manners and the way he conducted himself....a very humble person even though there were a lot of people. His ceramah was not about politics ( uh..nowadays I hate it very much..politics that is ), but, it was about how Rasulullah SAW behave and all the nicest things about Rasulullah SAW. How Rasulullah SAW got to be the Habibullah ( Kekasih Allah ) without him asking for it. Ustaz also talked about hoe the Capitalist system had created business people with greed who thought of nothing except how to mwke more money. Well there were many things brought up by him, which I cannot write everything here. Will try to write more later. I am also attaching some pictures from the event, please enjoy them....
Ketibaan Ustaz disambut oleh Pengerusi Surau Al Furqan,
Ustaz Haji Khairul Fitri bin Kiraman dan semua AJK.
Aku pun ikut sibuk sama salam Ustaz..dapat cium tangan pun jadilah.
Ustaz Fitri bersama Ustaz Datu Dr. Harun Din
Wajah seorang Ulama besar.............. Yang ni pulak adik Ustaz Fitri..namanya Ustaz Jamil bin Hj. Kiraman........
Antara dua orang kuat Surau AlFurqan TSI K.BatasAir tu dijual untuk tabung surau...Sapa yang beli air tu lepas tu berdoa bersama-sama dengan Ustaz dan ditiup ke dalam botol air tu...............
Tamat part 1........................................

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